Romantic Things You Can Do To Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Ishh.. nape tangan u montok sangat.huhu.jangan marah ya)
~Walk in the rain~
~Walk in the rain~
(hmm..yang ni kena fikir dulu neyh. nanti tak pasal-pasal lak demam.
tapi kita pernah je kan meredah hujan bersama.sebabnye..tak bawa payung.huhu)
(In this box ada macam-macam hadiah from him..tQ sayang. I really appreciate it)

(he made this flower taw. superla terharu giler.eventho it's not a real rose..but effort dia untuk buat bunga ni memang wat I speechless.susah taw nak wat bunga neyh. I sendiri pun tak taw nak buat. tQ so much sayang. I love you so much!!)
~Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you’re together~

(from me n from him)
~Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight~

(nama pun waktu gambar tak berapa clear sangat la. ni kat Teluk Chempedak. tempat selalu lepak. yang paling bes lepak kat McD. angin dari pantai.. waaa.. sangat bes)

(he made this flower taw. superla terharu giler.eventho it's not a real rose..but effort dia untuk buat bunga ni memang wat I speechless.susah taw nak wat bunga neyh. I sendiri pun tak taw nak buat. tQ so much sayang. I love you so much!!)
~Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you’re together~

(from me n from him)
~Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight~

(nama pun waktu gambar tak berapa clear sangat la. ni kat Teluk Chempedak. tempat selalu lepak. yang paling bes lepak kat McD. angin dari pantai.. waaa.. sangat bes)
~Write poetry for each other~

(since I tak pandai nak tulis poem, so I just bought him this book. Poems yang ada sangat menarik n kata-katanye indah banget)
~Hugs are the universal medicine~

(since I tak pandai nak tulis poem, so I just bought him this book. Poems yang ada sangat menarik n kata-katanye indah banget)
~Hugs are the universal medicine~
~Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc~
(yah..always bagi hadiah-hadiah camni: choc, cards, calendar, CD, shirt )


~Spend every second possible together~
(we'll try our best ait..
(yah..always bagi hadiah-hadiah camni: choc, cards, calendar, CD, shirt )


~Spend every second possible together~
(we'll try our best ait..
Since this is my last semester at UMP,
I harap sangat kita dapat spend masa bersama as much as we can)
~Look into each other’s eyes~

(everytime you look at me, I just melt away)
~Sing to each other~
(Lucky I'm in love with my bestfriend..
Lucky to have been where I have been..
~Look into each other’s eyes~

(everytime you look at me, I just melt away)
~Sing to each other~
(Lucky I'm in love with my bestfriend..
Lucky to have been where I have been..
Lucky to be coming home again..
ni lah lagu tema kita, kan sayang?
well, we always sing together walaupun suara kami sama-sama tak sedap..huhu)
~Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal~

(he took me to dinner at Crocodile Rocks. I dah lama nak pergi tapi tiba-tiba dia wat surprised, nak bawa I makan kat situ. Superla bes giler. tQ baby)
~Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart~
~Dance together~
(remember at Borneo Rainforest.. we dance together eventho kita tak pandai menari..but it was a wonderful moment for me)
~Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you~
(he always did that)
~Remember your dreams and tell her about them~
(kitarang selalu je share.. nak nak bile mimpi ngeri..mimpi hantu ke, bunuh-bunuh ke, kejar-kejar ke..
~Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal~

(he took me to dinner at Crocodile Rocks. I dah lama nak pergi tapi tiba-tiba dia wat surprised, nak bawa I makan kat situ. Superla bes giler. tQ baby)
~Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart~
~Dance together~
(remember at Borneo Rainforest.. we dance together eventho kita tak pandai menari..but it was a wonderful moment for me)
~Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you~
(he always did that)
~Remember your dreams and tell her about them~
(kitarang selalu je share.. nak nak bile mimpi ngeri..mimpi hantu ke, bunuh-bunuh ke, kejar-kejar ke..
bile terjaga terus carik hp nak call him n dia akan calm me down)
~Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears~
(he knows everything.. ;))
~Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears~
(he knows everything.. ;))
~Brush her hair out of her face for her~
(he always buat macamni. since my hair sepah-sepah kena tiup dek angin)
~Hang out with his/her friends~
(every thursday.. hang out bersama ke pasar malam.huhu)
~Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked~
(banyak sangat muV yang kitarang tengok sampai tak ingat muV ape je yang romantic)
(he always buat macamni. since my hair sepah-sepah kena tiup dek angin)
~Hang out with his/her friends~
(every thursday.. hang out bersama ke pasar malam.huhu)
~Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked~
(banyak sangat muV yang kitarang tengok sampai tak ingat muV ape je yang romantic)
~Learn from each other and don’t make the same mistake twice~
(he taught me a lot.. kalau I buat salah, dia tak kan cepat melenting. He's super duper cool. Dia akan tanya dulu, n ayat last sekali, jangan buat lagi, makes me luv him even more)
~Make sacrifices for each other~
(no need to mention.juz me n him je yang taw)
~Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages~
(Aishiteru-Japan, Wo Ai Nee-Mandarin, Sarang He Yo-Korean etc)
(he taught me a lot.. kalau I buat salah, dia tak kan cepat melenting. He's super duper cool. Dia akan tanya dulu, n ayat last sekali, jangan buat lagi, makes me luv him even more)
~Make sacrifices for each other~
(no need to mention.juz me n him je yang taw)
~Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages~
(Aishiteru-Japan, Wo Ai Nee-Mandarin, Sarang He Yo-Korean etc)
~Fall asleep on the phone with each other~
(yang ni bahaya.. silap hb boleh menimbulkan amarah..but he's very understanding)
~Never forget the kiss goodnight and always remember to say, “Sweet dreams."~
(so far we never miss to wish gudnite ait..hopefully, kita akan wat macamni sampai bila)
~Dedicate songs to them on the radio~
(sayang.. cepatla buat announcement kat hitz.. say that u love me so much..huhu)
~Put love notes in their pockets when they aren’t looking~
(good idea)
~Be Prince Charming to her parents~
(yang ni kena tanya mama n bapak dulu.. Prince charming ke?)
~Buy her a ring~
~Watch the sunset together~
(bile nak tengok sunset sama-sama ni?)
~Cook for each other~
(hee.. yang ni kena tunggu I belajar masak dari mama dulu eh)
~Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it~
(macam bes..)
~Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes~
(ahaks.. kalau wrong timing..silap-silap boleh kena marah neyh)
buy her a ring (wink) --- ewaahhh mata $$ nampak..nanti suruh dia belikan satu utk aku gak.. hahaha
cook for each other --- emm sila belajar jenis2 ikan dahulu ye.. huwakaka
1-hahaha... tapi xleh lawan $$ ko. ko yg ajar aku. you're my true tok guru.
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